Genetic Methylation Check
The Genetic Methylation Check analyses your DNA to provide insights into your individual methylation pathways. Methylation is the process which allows your genes to function optimally, so understanding your personal methylation pathways is key to optimising your health.

This genetic methylation test covers 7 key methylation genes and is performed by a NATA-accredited laboratory in USA.

The regulation of methylation pathways is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Genes encoding enzymes like DNA methyltransferases play a crucial role in determining the DNA methylation pattern, affecting gene expression - whether genes are turned on or off. However, environmental factors such as diet, exposure to toxins, and stress also impact methylation patterns.


The simple cheek swab test will provide personalised insights into your health across the following categories:

  • Methylation
  • Homocysteine buildup
  • Folate intake requirements
  • Cognitive performance
  • Mental health
  • Gut health

A genetic strength and weaknesses report is provided with personalised nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to help you optimise your methylation pathways.

What we test
Genetic Variations of Note
Research indicates that specific genetic variations are associated with a higher likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, hemochromatosis, or celiac disease. These conditions are prevalent among individuals with certain genotypes, highlighting the importance of understanding genetic predispositions in disease susceptibility.
Homocysteine Buildup
This test includes the MTHFR, MTRR, MTR, MTHFD1, and CBS genes, each of which plays an important role in the methylation cycle. This cycle is responsible for converting homocysteine into methionine or glutathione with the aid of folate, vitamin B12, and B6. Mutations within methylation genes may reduce the functionality of the enzymes produced, impacting how well they can do their job. These key genes in the methylation pathway work to break down homocysteine, an inflammatory compound that is normally only present in the blood in very small amounts. Homocysteine buildup in the bloodstream is like clogging a pipe in a plumbing system; it obstructs normal flow and increases inflammation, potentially leading to cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, digestive issues, and complications during pregnancy. Understanding these genetic variations can offer valuable insights into individual health risks, empowering informed decisions for better health management.
Folate Requirements
This test includes the MTHFR, MTHFD1, MTR and MTRR genes to determine how variations in your genetics may influence your folate intake needs. Folate is a B vitamin that is essential for DNA synthesis and methylation. Folate deficiency disrupts these processes, leading to impaired cell division and increased levels of homocysteine. This can result in neural tube defects in newborns, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and potential cognitive impairments. Understanding these genetic variations can offer valuable insights into individual health risks, empowering informed decisions for better health management.
Cognitive Performance & Mental Wellbeing
This test covers two important genes related to cognitive functioning and mental wellbeing, COMT and PEMT. The COMT gene encodes the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase, which regulates the breakdown of neurotransmitters like dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter often referred to as the 'happy hormone' and is involved in various functions such as memory, motivation, reward, and pleasure. Differences in dopamine metabolism can affect how well you perform regarding problem-solving, working memory, and fine motor skills. If you have higher dopamine activity levels, you are more likely to excel in these areas. However, if dopamine levels become dysregulated via mutations in COMT, it can have negative effects on cognitive functioning and mood. The PEMT gene encodes an enzyme called phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase crucial for synthesizing phosphatidylcholine, an essential component of cell membranes and neurotransmitters. Variants in this gene have been associated with altered enzyme activity, potentially leading to disruptions in phosphatidylcholine synthesis and affecting the liver and brain. This may influence REM sleep as well as susceptibility to conditions including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disorders. Understanding genetic variations that influence brain health can offer valuable insights into individual health outcomes, empowering informed decisions for better health management.
Gut Health
This test covers mutations in the MTR gene and may help you assess your gut health, specifically relating to inflammatory bowel conditions and their associated symptoms. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of inflammatory conditions of the colon and small intestine, including Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). This can cause a number of symptoms, including abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhoea. The homozygous MTR A2756G polymorphism has been associated with a 48% higher risk for IBD relative to wild-type. This could be linked to higher homocysteine levels in the blood as a result of MTR mutation and reduced enzyme activity. Understanding these genetic variations can offer valuable insights into individual health risks, empowering informed decisions for better health management.
Test instructions
Your test kit and all instructions are posted directly to you, and there is no need to visit a collection centre.
Mail your sample back to the lab using the prepaid envelope and packaging.
calendar-instructions instruction-kit
Results for this test available in 21-24 business days from being received at the lab and will be published in your online dashboard.
Ready. Set. Go!
for £220