IBS Improvement Programme
We have developed an IBS Improvement Programme at healthily to reduce symptoms of IBS. To go further, we look at a possible underlying cause of your IBS through the Gut Microbiome to identify dysbiosis – in other words an imbalance of the bacteria in your gut. This healthily IBS treatment programme will start with testing your Gut Microbiome, followed by a nutritional plan for you to redress any imbalances in the gut bacteria and a 12 week plan of a special probiotic that has been clinically shown to improve symptoms of IBS.
What we test
Nutritional Therapy Report
12-Week Plan
Faecal Macroscopy
Macroscopy looks at stool colour and formation, as well as for evidence of mucous or blood which may require further investigation.
This stool test measures:
Normal protein digestion and absorption should be relatively complete in the stomach and small intestine - increased faecal products of protein breakdown can signal a digestive issue.
Elevated faecal fat may indicate maldigestion, malabsorption, or steatorrhoea.
Metabolic Markers
Short Chain Fatty Acids are produced by anaerobic bacterial fermentation of fibre and play important roles in maintaining health and integrity of the colon.
Lactoferrin is used to detect inflammation in the intestines. Intestinal inflammation is associated with bacterial infections and/or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and is associated with disease activity and severity.
Beneficial Bacteria
Significant numbers of bacteria are normally present in the healthy gut. Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria in particular, are essential for gut health because they help to inhibit gut pathogens and carcinogens, control pH, reduce cholesterol and synthesise vitamins.
This stool test measures:
Pathogenic & Opportunistic Bacteria
Our gut bacteria can be divided into ‘bad’ and ‘good’. The good ones for the most part benefit us, whreas the bad 'pathogenic' ones can cause disease. Pathogens are usually present in small quantities in the microbiome, however in excessive amounts they can have adverse effects on the body. The beneficial bacteria of the microbiome have a protective function against colonisation by pathogenic bacteria.
This microbiome test measures:
This test looks for evidence of candida or other yeast overgrowth. Whilst yeasts are a normal inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract, they may become an opportunistic pathogen after disruption of the mucosal barrier, imbalance of the normal intestinal flora or impaired immunity. This can be caused by things like antibiotics, antacids and stress.
This stool test measures:
Test instructions
Take your form to The Doctors Laboratory, 76 Wimpole Street, London - no need for an appointment. If a collection at TDL London doesn't suit your location, then you can book a collection for a venous blood draw and centrifuge using another phlebotomy service at your own cost. Contact us for options in your location
Fast from all food and drink other than water for at least 8 hours, and no more than 12 hours prior to your test.
Ready. Set. Go!
for £399
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